Brew Log #1 - 306 Golden Ale


Brew Date: August 19, 2018
ABV: 4.7%
IBU: 20.7
SRM: 4.0
Batch Size: 3 Gallon


· 4lb 10oz Pale Malt(2-Row)
· 9oz White Wheat Malt
· 4oz Munich Malt


· 0.35oz Perle (75min) (2.9AAU)
· 0.3oz Hallertauer Mittelfrueh (2min) (0.9AAU)


· Wyeast 1007 German Ale


· 0.35tbs 5.2 Stabilizer

 Brew Day Steps:

Collect and heat 1.76 gal strike water

Install mash tun screen

Preheat mash tun with hot tap water

Add stabilizer to mash water

Mash IN!

Smoosh dough balls and mix

Mash at 153F for 45min

Collect and heat 3.11 gallons of sparge water

Iodine test to ensure conversion is complete

Vorlauf until runnings are clear

I use a strainer on my mash tun to ensure I don't disturb grain bed during Vorlauf 

Collect first runnings in boil kettle 

Mix in sparge water, seal mash tun for 10 min

Collect second runnings

Bring 4.16 gallons of wort to boil

Empty spent grains

Put your foot on grains, it feels nice

Boil Achieved - Start timer for 90min

Add bittering hops (75min left)

Add aroma hops (2min left)

Cool wort to pitching temp and transfer to carboy, OG 1.051

Aerate with oxygen for 30 seconds or shake vigorously for 5 minutes

Attach bung and blow off hose


Ferment at 65F - Krausen in less than 12 hours from pitch :)

After 24 hours I lowered the fermentation temperature from 65F to 61F

Major blowoff action at just over 24 hours from pitch

Racked to secondary 7 days after pitching yeast. Changed temperature back to 65F.

Dropped temp down to 55F for 1 final week.


Bottling Day - 3 weeks after brew day (FG 1.012 => 5.1% ABV) 

Bottle washing...lame

Bottle sanitizing and drying...lame

I ended up with 20 bottles and a howler, not to shabby!


The beer carbonated quicker than I had thought. There is an up front malt character, the wheat comes through nicely. There is a rich, fresh baked bread note on the nose. The head retention is awesome! It tastes really clean with no detectable off flavors, this beer is...for lack of a better term..crushable.

 Look at that beautiful beer!

