Yeast Mail Call!
The good people at Imperial Yeast have sent me a care package with 5 strains of yeast to test out in my upcoming brew days! This will be my first time brewing with Imperial Yeast and I am beyond excited to take these for a spin. I will be documenting each brew day here on the blog!
The yeast strains I received are:
The yeast strains I received are:
- Flagship A07 - Ale "A craft brewing standard, Flagship is a versatile strain loved for its extremely clean character. This strain performs well at standard ale temperatures, but can be used in the low 60s to produce exceptionally crisp ales. Flocculation is in the middle of the road and will typically require filtration or fining to achieve crystal clear beers.
Temp: 60-72F, 16-22C // Flocculation: Med-low // Attenuation: 73-77%" - Imperial Yeast
- Darkness A10 - Ale "A beautiful strain for stout, porter, brown, and amber ales. Darkness produces a unique character that matches up perfectly with roasted and caramel malts. This strain is alcohol tolerant, so don’t hesitate to throw high gravity worts its way.
Temp: 62-72F, 17-22C // Flocculation: Medium // Attenuation: 71-75%" - Imperial Yeast
- Citrus A20 - Ale "Citrus cranks out orange and lemon aromas along with some tropical fruit. Use this strain at high temps for big ester production. A wild saccharomyces strain, it will get a bit funky without the worries of a brettanomyces strain.
- Temp: 67-80F, 19-27C // Flocculation: Low // Attenuation:74-78%
- This strain tests positive for the STA 1 gene via PCR analysis and is therefore considered to be Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus" - Imperial Yeast
- Stefon G01 - German Ale "This is the traditional German strain used to produce world class weizen beers where big banana aroma is required. Balanced with mild clove, depending on your wort profile, this strain will produce amazing beers. Stefon will create a slightly higher level of acidity to give your beer a very crisp finish. Slightly underpitching will help increase the banana character.
Temp: 63-73F, 17-23C // Flocculation: Low // Attenuation: 73-77%" - Imperial Yeast
- Harvest L17 - Lager "This strain combines good flocculation characteristics with low sulfur and low diacetyl. Clean fermentations produce amazing bock, helles, pilsner, dunkles, and just about any other lager style you throw its way.
Temp: 50-60F, 10-16C // Flocculation: Medium // Attenuation: 70-74%" - Imperial Yeast
The next style of beer I plan to brew has changed about 20 times in the last two days and should change another 20 times before brew day. However, I have been crafting a meal plan for this army of yeast and this is what I have come up with so far, recipes to come:
- Flagship - Brown Ale
- Darkness - Smoked Porter
- Citrus - Pale Ale
- Stefon - Wizen
- Harvest - Vienna Lager
Stay tuned for upcoming brew day logs with Imperial Yeast!
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